Customized for New York City

Learn how New York City is using Overgrad to more effectively serve ALL students and save time for counselors.

NYCPS, community-based organizations, and foundations have come together to simplify how they support students

Track Key Postsecondary milestones in Overgrad

Counselors track the district’s milestones directly in Overgrad, where they’re doing all of their other work.

Milestone reporting makes it easy for Counselors to see and remedy students that are missing a milestone.

Data entry only has to happen in one place- Overgrad. Check out the next section to see what we mean.

Milestones Data is automatically sent to STARS

Overgrad eliminates the manual entry of Student Milestone Tracking in STARs (NYC tracking system), which is a tedious and time consuming task for counselors and requires tracking in multiple locations.

Counselors have more time to do the work that matters: meeting with and supporting students.

View Key College Metrics on the Counselor Dashboard

Counselors want to ensure all students have a CUNY school as an option because of the affordability for NYC students. An indicator has been added directly to counselor dashboards so they can easily track progress towards their goal.

Opportunity programs integrated into college search

Students that attend Opportunity Programs at SUNY, CUNY & Private New York colleges are much more likely to graduate. A bit of custom development work made Opportunity Programs more discoverable during students’ college search.

Students can filter for colleges that offer Opportunity Programs and determine their financial eligibility right in Overgrad.

Localized College Search for New York City Students

A custom match algorithm uses application data to generate a custom formula specific for students in New York. This helps students understand their chances of getting accepted to colleges and empowers them to make an informed post-secondary choice.

And More...

Students got personalized admissions insights about their college lists, counselors were able to add details about colleges through tags and  counselors managed a list CTE and work-based learning programs with proven results that they could share with students.

A platform built by former educators and counselors

We’ve been there, and we want to make your lives easier

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